NEWS: Queers Destroy Science Fiction! Kickstarter Reward Add-Ons now available!
We’ve had a lot of requests for special reward packages since we didn’t offer every possible combination of items. Well, we hear you, backers! So we decided to go ahead and offer reward “add-ons” to allow you greater flexibility in backing the campaign.
To add an add-on to your pledge, click the “Manage Your Pledge” button, then increase your pledge by the relevant amount. For instance, if you want to add ebooks of the Women Destroy special issues, you would increase your pledge by Pledge $10; or, if you wanted those AND the Women Destroy Fantasy issue in trade paperback, you would increase your pledge by Pledge $27 (Pledge $10 + Pledge $17). Make sense?
There’s no way to tell us NOW which add-ons you want (an unfortunate limitation of Kickstarter), so we’ll get that information from you during the Kickstarter survey process after the campaign is over. Basically we’ll send out the surveys and ask if you added any add-ons to your pledge, and then we’ll cross-reference everything with the pledge data.
Sound complicated? You bet it is! Which is why we didn’t offer add-ons initially. But enough people have been asking about them that we thought it would be worth the extra work on our end, and of course we want our backers to be happy!
Add-On Selections
Note: All of the trade paperback rewards listed below INCLUDE the shipping price. Also note the price difference for US pledges vs. international pledges (due to international shipping costs).
Queers Destroy Add-Ons
- Pledge $28 Extra (per copy) – Queers Destroy Science Fiction! special issue LIMITED EDITION in trade paperback ($5 US shipping included).
- Pledge $43 Extra (per copy) – Queers Destroy Science Fiction! special issue LIMITED EDITION in trade paperback ($20 International shipping included)
- Pledge $17 Extra (per copy) – Queers Destroy Horror! special issue in trade paperback ($5 US shipping included)
- Pledge $32 Extra (per copy) – Queers Destroy Horror! special issue in trade paperback ($20 International shipping included)
- Pledge $16 Extra – Ebooks of queer best-of-the-year anthologies WILDE STORIES 2014 & HEIRESSES OF RUSS 2014
- Pledge $17 Extra (per copy) – Queers Destroy Fantasy! special issue in trade paperback ($5 US shipping included)
- Pledge $32 Extra (per copy) – Queers Destroy Fantasy! special issue in trade paperback ($20 International shipping included)
Women Destroy Add-Ons
- Pledge $10 Extra – Ebooks of last year’s special issues: Women Destroy Science Fiction!, Women Destroy Fantasy!, and Women Destroy Horror!
- Pledge $17 Extra (per copy) – Women Destroy Fantasy! special issue in trade paperback ($5 US shipping included)
- Pledge $32 Extra (per copy) – Women Destroy Fantasy! special issue in trade paperback ($20 International shipping included)
- Pledge $17 Extra (per copy) – Women Destroy Horror! special issue in trade paperback ($5 US shipping included)
- Pledge $32 Extra (per copy) – Women Destroy Horror! special issue in trade paperback ($20 International shipping included)
- Note: Women Destroy Science Fiction! special issue LIMITED EDITION in trade paperback is also now available, but it’s one of the PRIMARY rewards, not an add-on, because we have a limited quantity available. If you want to select it, you should choose it as your primary reward, and then select whatever additional add-ons you’d like.
Magazine / Subscription Add-Ons
Note: For subscription rewards, you can purchase gift subscriptions for others, but please only purchase one subscription for yourself (i.e., don’t purchase two 24-issue subscriptions in order to get a 48-issue subscription).
- Pledge $19 Extra – Ebook subscription to NIGHTMARE (12 issues), includes back issues 1-33, subscription begins with #34.
- Pledge $31 Extra – Ebook subscription to LIGHTSPEED (12 issues), includes back issues 1-61, subscription begins with #62. If you already have issues #1-61, we will substitute FANTASY issues #1-58.
- Pledge $67 Extra – Ebook subscription to LIGHTSPEED (24 issues), includes back issues 1-61, subscription begins with #62. If you already have issues #1-61, we will substitute FANTASY issues #1-58. Note: If you selected one of the LIGHTSPEED subscription rewards, this is included with your pledge as a result of our stretch goal.
- Pledge $115 Extra – FANTASY MAGAZINE Ebook MegaBundle (every issue, 1-58). Pledge $120 Extra – LIGHTSPEED Ebook MegaBundle (every issue, 1-61).
- N/A – NIGHTMARE Ebook MegaBundle (every issue, 1-33). If you want this add-on, just grab the NIGHTMARE subscription reward either as your primary reward or an add-on. Because of our $20K stretch goal, this is included with NIGHTMARE subscription rewards.
- N/A – LIGHTSPEED Ebook MegaBundle (every issue, 1-61). If you want this add-on, just grab one of the LIGHTSPEED subscription rewards either as your primary reward or an add-on. Because of our $20K stretch goal, this is included with LIGHTSPEED subscription rewards.
Anthology Rewards
- Pledge $17 Extra (per copy) – LIGHTSPEED: YEAR ONE anthology [info] in trade paperback ($5 US shipping included)
- Pledge $32 Extra (per copy) – LIGHTSPEED: YEAR ONE anthology [info] in trade paperback ($20 International shipping included)
- Pledge $17 Extra (per copy) – THE MAD SCIENTIST’S GUIDE TO WORLD DOMINATION anthology [info] in trade paperback ($5 US shipping included) **Includes a story by guest-editor Seanan McGuire**
- Pledge $32 Extra (per copy) – THE MAD SCIENTIST’S GUIDE TO WORLD DOMINATION anthology [info] in trade paperback ($20 International shipping included) **Includes a story by guest-editor Seanan McGuire**
REVIEW: “What makes this issue such a delight [is] the range and diversity of what falls under the heading of ‘science fiction,’ all of it written by women.”
“Part of what makes this issue such a delight [is] the range and diversity of what falls under the heading of ‘science fiction,’ all of it written by women. From each piece to the next, the essays and the stories alike, there are shifts. These stories are united by genre and their expansion of what it mean to be in that genre, and they do not echo each other. Each has unique touches, angles, and interests; if nothing else, it’s great work to have collected them all together under one aegis to explore what it means to say that women don’t write sf and how frankly absurd that is. But more than that, too, because these stories are so very good.” –
NEWS: Women Destroy Science Fiction! Named as One of NPR’s Best Books of 2014!
About WDSF, NPR says “…a master class in all the ways women are writing — and have written — some of the best science fiction available” and names it as one of their Best Books of 2014! [link]
NEWS: Queers Destroy Science Fiction! Now Open to Submissions
LIGHTSPEED’s 2015 special issue will be Queers Destroy Science Fiction!, an all-science fiction issue entirely written, edited, and illustrated by queer creators. It is now open to submissions. We’ll be launching a Kickstarter on January 15 to help fund making the special issue a double issue.
- Who are the guest editors for the special issue? Seanan McGuire is our overall guest editor and she will also be selecting and editing the original short stories (1500-7500 words); Sigrid Ellis is our flash fiction editor (<1500 words); and Steve Berman is our reprint editor.
- Who can submit stories for consideration for the special issue? Anyone who identifies as queer.
- How do you define queer? Gay, lesbian, bisexual, demisexual, asexual, pansexual, intersex, transgender, genderfluid, genderqueer–if you fit within the QUILTBAG, we want you. Identity is what matters for this issue. (Please note that the “A” in QUILTBAG is for “ace/on the asexual spectrum,” not “ally.” We hope allies will support this special issue, but if you are not yourself queer, please do not submit.)
- I’m queer. What can I submit? Science fiction short stories, up to 7500 words. No fantasy for this special issue, though if our Kickstarter campaign goes well we might unlock Queers Destroy Fantasy! and Queers Destroy Horror! special issues as well.
- How queer does my story need to be? We very much want to see diverse queer representation and queer themes, but we are focused on the identity of the authors and the quality of the story, not the “this much queer content per story” meter.
- What is science fiction? At LIGHTSPEED, we think of science fiction as fiction that speculates on our world, where the basis of that speculation is science, not magic. This includes the social sciences, so dystopias are welcome, as are stories set in post-apocalyptic worlds. Steampunk is also welcome, as long as whatever is powering your cool stuff isn’t magic.
- How long is the submission period? Submissions open October 31, 2014 and will close at 11:59 p.m. ET on February 15, 2015.
- When can I expect a response to my submission? We will endeavor to reply as quickly as possible to submissions, but since assembling the special issue is similar to assembling an anthology, stories being seriously considered may be held until March 1, 2015 to allow our editors to consider everything before making their final decisions.
- How many stories and how often may I submit? Our usual policy of allowing authors to only submit a story once every 7 days is lifted for this issue; so while you may only submit one at a time, you can send in something else as soon as we pass on the first one. You are also allowed to submit one short story (1501-7500 words) and one flash fiction (<1500 words) story at the same time.
- Can I submit a rejected story to LIGHTSPEED in the future? All stories submitted to the special issue will also simultaneously be considered for regular issues of LIGHTSPEED. So if you receive a rejection for the special issue, you can consider that story having been rejected by LIGHTSPEED in general. If we end up with so many good stories we can’t fit them all in the special issue, we’ll take such “overflow” for regular issues of LIGHTSPEED.
- Where do I go to submit my story?
NEWS: Women Destroy Science Fiction! Chosen as the Book Club Selection for Science Fiction Book!
LIGHTSPEED’s Women Destroy Science Fiction! special issue has been chosen as the Book Club Selection for Science Fiction Book! [link]
NEWS: Women Destroy Science Fiction! Selected as the “Book of Honor” for Potlatch 24!
Potlatch is a literary speculative fiction convention that happens annually and alternates between Seattle, San Francisco, and Portland. Every year in lieu of a GUEST of Honor, Potlatch chooses a BOOK of Honor. And it is our great honor to report that our Women Destroy Science Fiction! issue was selected as this year’s Book of Honor!
REVIEWS: Women Destroy Science Fiction! Review Roundup
- “It’s a clever name, as the verb can pivot, from the traditional “obliterate” to the more slang-like “conquer”. This collection does both of those things and everything in between. A massive, highly entertaining, and provocative anthology.” —Alex Hurst [review]
- “This special, all women’s issue (anthology, really, weighing in at 488 pages), has a number of absolutely fantastic original and reprinted short stories, as well as essays by and about women working in science fiction. This is a must-buy.” —BuzzFeed [review]
- “One of the themes that comes through in “Women Destroy Science Fiction!” as a whole—[is] a concern not just with the shiny concept but with the real, human experiences that roll out as a consequence of the concept. Nothing is easy or simple, in these stories, but it is important.” — [review]
NEWS: Forthcoming in 2016: People of Color Destroy Science Fiction!
As we announced in this Geek and Sundry interview, in 2016, we’ll be assembling a People of Color Destroy Science Fiction! special issue as the next step in the Destroy project. Being so far in the future, we don’t have our guest editors lined up yet or any other details, but stay tuned to for details!
NEWS: Forthcoming in 2015: Queers Destroy Science Fiction!

Like it says in the graphic, in 2015, we’ll be assembling Queers Destroy Science Fiction!, with Seanan McGuire on board as guest editor/ original fiction editor, and with Steve Berman as reprint editor. We’ll be opening to story submissions in the near future, and we’ll be launching a Kickstarter for QDSF in January; stay tuned to for details!
Want to know more? Want to help destroy? Go here.
NEWS: Women Destroy Fantasy! & Women Destroy Horror! Now Available
Our two special issues, Women Destroy Fantasy! (guest editor: Cat Rambo) and Women Destroy Horror! (guest editor: Ellen Datlow), are now on sale. Visit the BUY THE ISSUES page to learn about all your purchasing options. (And, of course, the beast that started it all, Women Destroy Science Fiction!, is also still available.)
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